Hello Friends of the Bruce Lee Foundation!
We know you have been waiting for the info on the Seattle event. Well, here it is!
We are very excited to officially open registration for Seattle.
As you know, this summer marks the 35th anniversary for Enter the Dragon as well as the passing of Bruce Lee. We at the Bruce Lee Foundation have put together our most elaborate event yet to commemorate these important occasions.
Where: Seattle Art Museum and Lakeview Cemetery
When: July 18 – 20, 2008
What: Join us for Seminars, a 35th Anniversary Bruce Lee Exhibit, screenings of Enter the Dragon, the first ever JKD Instructor Summit, a Graveside Memorial and Celebration Banquet, an Exclusive Limited Entry Preview Night, and much, much more!
Registration Information:
To register for the event, contact Tammy at or send your name and contact info with your payment and which events you are registering for to:
Bruce Lee Foundation
Seattle 35th Anniversary Celebration
11693 San Vicente Blvd
Suite 918
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Mailed registrations will not be accepted after Monday, July 14, 2008.
Events and Pricing:
All events except the graveside memorial and the lunch on Sunday take place at the Seattle Museum of Art!!
Exclusive, Limited Entry Preview Night – Friday, July 18, 2008
An Exclusive First Look Tour of the Bruce Lee Exhibit with Linda and Shannon and other contributors.
A Private Screening of Enter the Dragon with Q &As and Bonus Footage.
Unveiling of the Plans for the Bruce Lee Museum
Wine and Appetizers
Special Guests
Limit 100 participants
*Full schedule of activities not yet confirmed. Confirmed schedule to follow shortly.
Seminars and Demos Only – Friday, July 18, 2008 and Saturday, July 19, 2008
Both Friday and Saturday: $100.00 per participant
Friday Only: $40.00 per participant
Saturday Only: $80.00 per participant
*schedule and instructor / demonstrator list to follow shortly
Discounts available for groups of ten or more when purchasing both Friday and Saturday.
Screening of Enter the Dragon – Saturday Evening, July 19, 2008
$10.00 per ticket
Limit 250 seats
Graveside Memorial and Luncheon – Sunday, July 20, 2008
Graveside Memorial – FREE
Transportation from Seattle Art Museum to Lakeview Cemetery to Restaurant back to Cemetery $20.00 per person
Celebration Luncheon
Traditional Chinese lunch, special guests, speakers, raffle prizes and more
New Hong Kong Restaurant
900 S Jackson Street
$50.00 per person
Instructor Summit on Sunday morning - July 20, 2008
Community meeting with JKD Instructors to discuss the future of JKD, how to work together, licensing and other issues, and more
Bruce Lee Exhibit - Friday, July 18 – 20, 2008
Open to the Public
All Inclusive Package for All Events - July 18–20, 2008
Includes all seminars and demos, Saturday screening of Enter the Dragon, transportation to the memorial and luncheon, Celebration Luncheon, one raffle ticket, and a free tee shirt
*excludes Friday preview night
$160.00 per person
Specific seminar and events schedule and accommodations information to follow next week but don’t wait! Reserve your spot now! This promises to be a very special event and we hope you will join us!
Discounts available for groups of ten or more – or for any questions or concerns contact Tammy at
All profits go to support the Bruce Lee Foundation’s general operating budget and special programs and events. Thank you for your support!
In the spirit of Jeet Kune Do!
The Bruce Lee Foundation
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